Monday, January 18, 2010

Potty Mouth

Elliot is currently in love with Snoopy. Though we realized the other day he was calling him Snoofy. We've been trying to correct him for a couple of days. Last night before bed, we were talking about Snoopy again and he said Snoofy.

Mommy: Elliot, it's Snoopy, not Snoofy.
E: I know it's Snoopy, but I am going to call him Snoofy. Because it doesn't have a potty word in it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Budding Sports Fan

Ian is a budding Ravens fan, but because we aren't really sports fans, he's not really up on knowledge of the game. Yesterday, Ian was wearing his Flacco jersey and was watching the game. He saw Flacco cross the screen and got really excited. I asked him if he knew who Flacco was. I meant what position did he play. Ian... response: 'Yes, he's on my shirt.' At least I knew he was the quarterback.


Elliot went up to Lonnie tonight and said, "There are 15 people in this house and you are the only one making trouble." Obviously, they watched Home Alone WAY too much recently. That and the fact that Ian calls everyone a little jerk now.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

RIP fishy

Ian took the news of the death of his goldfish very hard tonight. And Ian expresses himself with drawings. RIP fishy. He lived to a ripe ol' age of 6 months. Or 157 in people years.