Saturday, May 30, 2009

Banana Soup

Elliot: Knock, Knock.
Mommy: Who's There?
Elliot: Banana.
Mommy: Banana Who?
Elliot: Banana Soup.

This joke is all his.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Will I Ever Get Married?

Ian: Mommy, will I ever get married?
Mommy: Well, when you grow up and and if you find someone who wants to marry you, then yes, you'll get married.
Ian: Will it be Isabella?
Mommy: It could be Isabella, and though that would be really sweet, the likelihood of you marrying Isabella is small. There will be many girls in your life as you grow up.
Ian: Then they will fight over me.
Mommy: Oh, girls are going to fight over you?
Ian: Yeah, that happens.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Tooth Fairy is Visiting Us Tonight

We knew this time was coming, but it still makes it bittersweet. Ian lost his first tooth tonight. And his second tooth as well. All at the spaceship McDonald's no less. We were there to support his TBall league's fundraiser night and Ian donated a lot more than his appetite. I am grateful that we were there when it happened and that he didn't swallow them. After a bite of hamburger, a strange look on Ian's face, and a gentle tug from Daddy, both of the teeth came out. The only unfortuate thing is that the two teeth came out because two other had areadly come in. So the missing teeth shot isn't as dramatic. Incidentally these two teeth lost were the first and second teeth to come in just over 5 years ago. My how my baby is growing up.

Next thing you know he will be starting kindergarten.

I'll Name Him Jack

Ian informed me at dinner tonight that he was only planning on making one kid. And it was going to be a boy. And he thinks he will name him Jack.